General Information
Any family can find themselves struggling through the developmental stages of adolescence. Teens often struggle with depression, anxiety, self-injurious behavior or social and family pressures. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are far too common among teens. The results can leave a family in crisis and weekly therapy simply is not enough structure for healing.
We help empower teens to find their strengths, accept their vulnerabilities and learn to care for their physical and mental health through increased self-esteem and purpose. We believe every family member has a role to play in the overall wellbeing of the family system.
Balance Treatment Center staff uses a family systems approach with the adolescent and family by identifying and bringing empathy to difficult family dynamics – fears, tensions, unresolved conflicts, unspoken anxieties – most of which are present to some degree in all families, whether a family member has a mental health diagnosis or not. This is done by working cooperatively with the individual adolescent and by providing support and education for the adolescent’s parents. Family members as well as outpatient providers are to be included in the recovery, treatment and discharge process.

Our therapists are invested in understanding the forces that maintain disorder in one’s life and mind. With insight into such dynamics, clients and therapists together work to create new behaviors, structures, relationships and activities which support increased organization in the mind and a reduction in psychiatric symptoms. We look at the whole person, beyond the disorder and reflect strengths that can be used to propel clients forward.”